Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Old men are the nicest people on Earth...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Doing Big Things...
Hello Friends and Family!
After being urged by many friends I have decided in my post-grad life to start a blog. I can not promise it to be very entertaining (see Ashley Jones' blog for that: http://ashleyjonesy.blogspot.com/2010/05/ode-to-stuff-by-ashley-jones.html). However, it is my hope that blogging will allow me to keep up with friends and family and will also assist in my professional/personal goal (insert me pushing up my glasses and using a nerdy voice) of becoming better with written communication. I have also joined the Skype world so feel free to add me :) I will be offering virtual apartment tours soon :)
As you all know I graduated from JMU on May 7, 2010 with my Masters in College Student Personnel Administration. It was a great weekend of course made possible by the one and only Joann A. Mancuso aka JoJo. I spent a great week in Virginia Beach hanging out with friends and family and starting to pack for my big move to Wilmington, NC. I also got the privilege of working the prom sponsored by Tallwood High School and the Mary Buckley Foundation for all of JoJo's hommies: http://www.wavy.com/dpp/news/local_news/tallwood-students-host-unique-prom
On Saturday I moved to Wilmington, NC. I had a great team to help me including Matt and Tommy Buckley, Petey and JoJo Mancuso and Karen and Kelly Shanley. I am a lucky girl and I made it through this move because of them. The guys stayed until Sunday morning then it was girl time. As you can imagine the mom's had a great vision of what they wanted for the apartment so like a good minion I just did what I was told and let them put together and unpack whatever they wanted and for the most part I have left all of it the way they set it up. I have my 2.5 rooms done right now: the kitchen, utility room and bathroom is almost there. I am slowly doing one room at a time.
I have made the following observations of my new city:
-There is not a major gas station/food service chain (aka no wawa, 7-11 or Sheetz)
-If you are a male under 25 you probably have at least 5 tattoos
-People here must wash there cars a lot because there are more car washes then Starbucks
I'm sure there are more observations to come...stay tuned!
I leave on Sunday for Italy with my Aunt Rosemary and I am getting SO excited for that. I will be there until June 1 and will return to Wilmington to start my job on June 3rd. I will be the UNCW Presents Coordinator/ACE advisor working with the program board and other programming on campus. :)
That's all for now, enjoy some pictures!
Love Yourself,