Perhaps I don't blog much because I wait for something that really inspires me. Or maybe it's because I'm busy, or a bad writer, or feel like nothing I'm doing is all that exciting.
This morning I'm blogging because I feel inspired. This morning I was watching the CMT's Artist of the Year show and so I have music on the mind. I think part of what I love about my current job is that I get to listen to, research and be exposed to such a variety of types of music. Why do we love music though?
I think for me, it says things that I can't find the words to say. It captures the way I feel and helps me experience that emotion. Whether it's happiness, sadness, excitement or just of course, love.
So clearly, by writing this I have to have some songs in mind. So of course I will share a few
I absolutely love Lady Antebellum. They are probably my favorite music group and have been for the last two years. Their music is incredible and their live show is amazing as well (anyone interested in going this summer, let me know!) Their current single, I think captures perfectly the feeling I have about my first love and I think brings me back to being 18 and leaving him behind for college. Dancing Away With My Heart
Clearly an artist and album so many people related to this year is of course Adele. No doubt that Someone Like You is the best breakup song, well, maybe ever. I think we've felt what I know Adele has captured here. Her whole album, again, nails it in my opinion. It's no wonder it's the top selling album of the year.
It's no secret that many of my friends are getting or got married recently. When I think about their weddings, and my own (no, you didn't miss anything mine isn't anytime soon) I just love this song by Carrie Underwood. Mama's song. Clearly, my mother will be the one to give the blessing to my future husband and will be the one to give me away. I would imagine this expresses what I would want to say to her.
What's the song that pumps me up? Inspires me? The one I reach to when I need that push. It's gotta be Natasha Bedingield Weightless . Sent to be by two different friends last year, it certainly captures how I want to live, and how I look at my days.
On that same note, what song inspires me professionally? It has to be back to my homies Lady A with I Was Here. Never was a single of theirs but it's a great one.
Thinking back, I know Michelle Branch You Get Me is one that I've always loved. Partially because I'm weird and partially because it really captured at the time how I felt about someone and how I feel about myself. Who wants to be ordinary, in a crazy mixed up world?
What's the song that connects me to big Pete? There are so many, he was the biggest music fan and has impacted my musical taste a great deal. So I can't pick one. The interesting thing about Mariah Carey and Boys 2 Men One Sweet Day is that it is a song he loved so much when he was alive. I remember the first time he heard it, we went to get the single on cassette tape (yeah, I went there) from the store and he listened to it on repeat (a habit I've defiantly inherited). We have home video after home video of Peter, Dad and I singing this song. Many of the videos include us performing to people we've since lost along the way. What I truly appreciate about this song is that while he never said it, I think it helped him connect to his dad who passed when my dad was in his early 20s. I promise the link about is the official video not a clip into our family films.
So my list could go on, no doubt. Music depends on your mood of course. As many of you may know I taught a freshman seminar this semester (which I LOVED). Their final project was to develop a playlist (in small groups) to capture their semester (they also presented it and wrote a paper). While the assignment was fun for me to read and grade I think I also realized that music truly does capture for us a feeling, and experience and while I read their papers could appreciate so much their song choices. Of course, songs like Bruno Mars The Lazy Song were popular they each had a song or two on their cds that connected them to home. To their families and I can for sure understand that.
So tell me...what songs capture how you feel?
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Sunday, December 18, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Hello, my name is Stefanie and I have an addiction
To Friday Night Lights and Pinterest.
Let me just say, I had been told SEVERAL times to try Friday Night Lights but it wasn't until last week when I had some time on my hands (maybe too much time) that the obsession began. I may have watched over half the first season in one day/night. It is just SO good. I think my students are concerned with my love but I'm telling you, it's awesome.

The show has a little of everything. Drama, sports, humor. It's just...addicting. I did not finish season one this week but I assure you, I will. There are five seasons and luckily Sarah owns all five so I can just power through, though I fear what it will be like when I watch that final episode.
My favorite character is of course Matt Saracen :)

So yes, I am addicted. I will start using Coach's sayings in ACE meetings and adapt them as my own. My current favorite is: "There are two ways to do something my way and the wrong way". We will see how that works. :)
My other addiction: pinterest. Basically it just allows me to find recipes I want to make, outfits I want to wear and other things I love plus I get to see what my friends find. It's awesome and addicting.
Anyway, I know this will blow people's minds but I have a wedding this weekend. My dear pledge sister Kathleen gets married on Saturday so I am going to see my boo LK and we'll be living the dream with many of our other favorite people. I will be spending extra love time with LK since she is moving to LOUISIANA next month to start her new job at McNeese State. I am of course so excited for her but man that will be far!
I have to thank Miss. Jennifer Stollery for a card that made my day today. Between her and Kelly Ann Shanley they have brightened my week with love notes and I appreciate it.
In closing... I would like to share that I will be dressed as Dorothy tomorrow for my second year as the leading lady in the Campus Activities Goulish Gala competition. If you do recall I was Snow White last year.
This costume will be less homemade. :) I promise.
Peace and Blessings xoxo
Let me just say, I had been told SEVERAL times to try Friday Night Lights but it wasn't until last week when I had some time on my hands (maybe too much time) that the obsession began. I may have watched over half the first season in one day/night. It is just SO good. I think my students are concerned with my love but I'm telling you, it's awesome.
The show has a little of everything. Drama, sports, humor. It's just...addicting. I did not finish season one this week but I assure you, I will. There are five seasons and luckily Sarah owns all five so I can just power through, though I fear what it will be like when I watch that final episode.
My favorite character is of course Matt Saracen :)
So yes, I am addicted. I will start using Coach's sayings in ACE meetings and adapt them as my own. My current favorite is: "There are two ways to do something my way and the wrong way". We will see how that works. :)
My other addiction: pinterest. Basically it just allows me to find recipes I want to make, outfits I want to wear and other things I love plus I get to see what my friends find. It's awesome and addicting.
Anyway, I know this will blow people's minds but I have a wedding this weekend. My dear pledge sister Kathleen gets married on Saturday so I am going to see my boo LK and we'll be living the dream with many of our other favorite people. I will be spending extra love time with LK since she is moving to LOUISIANA next month to start her new job at McNeese State. I am of course so excited for her but man that will be far!
I have to thank Miss. Jennifer Stollery for a card that made my day today. Between her and Kelly Ann Shanley they have brightened my week with love notes and I appreciate it.
This costume will be less homemade. :) I promise.
Peace and Blessings xoxo
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Things I shouldn't quit my job to do...
Blog. Well there are probably several other things I shouldn't quit my job to do but I will spare you that list. An exotic dancer tops it off.
Well to follow up on my last post, the speech was written and delivered:
I would argue it went pretty well... some laughs, some tears, what more you want in an MOH speech? I will let Mrs. Best be the true judge, but based on her tears and laughs I'd say, it was a hit.
The truth is I would've done anything to make that day perfect for her, luckily I didn't have to, the man at the end of the isle is all she needed. I am so happy for Mr. & Mrs. Best who got back from their honeymoon in Antigua this week.
A few more pictures from the wedding:
There are more pictures to come but it was an incredible weekend and I am so lucky to have gotten to share it with so many of the people I love.
Other than that... October is chugging along. Last weekend I traveled with 7 of my students to Myrtle Beach, SC for the NACA south conference. We had a great time but if some of you recall last year there was a prank done by my students involving a mask. This year, my students tried to one up last years group by purchasing plastic seagulls (seahawks if you will) and rigging them up in the closet where my banquet dress hung so as to tap into my fear of waterfowl. Lucky for me, they had to check out of the room before I was able to get to the closet and therefore, their prank turned into stuffing my purse with the plastic waterfowl. They did however act out the prank and video tape it which I'm sure will make it's way to my facebook page soon.
My true concern: the plastic fowl are missing. Therefore, I fear when they will resurface. I live in fear.
This weekend is my only uneventful one of the month, next weekend I will travel to see one of my wonderful pledge sisters, Kathleen, get married. Sarah and I are hosting friends tonight for "Fall fun". For me, this means pumpkin flavored things, soups in the crock pot, apple cider (the adult kind). For my roommate, this means bedazzling pumpkins. For those of you who don't know my roommate, she loves anything with glitter :) Exhibit A.
I hope everyone out there is well. I sadly know so many people going through some challenges right now I just want to send love to anyone who has something challenging them right now. As silly as it sounds, you can't appreciate the good without the bad. Just know whether it's me or someone else in your life remember there is always someone to lean on.
Lots of love from Stefanie Jo
Well to follow up on my last post, the speech was written and delivered:
I would argue it went pretty well... some laughs, some tears, what more you want in an MOH speech? I will let Mrs. Best be the true judge, but based on her tears and laughs I'd say, it was a hit.
The truth is I would've done anything to make that day perfect for her, luckily I didn't have to, the man at the end of the isle is all she needed. I am so happy for Mr. & Mrs. Best who got back from their honeymoon in Antigua this week.
A few more pictures from the wedding:
There are more pictures to come but it was an incredible weekend and I am so lucky to have gotten to share it with so many of the people I love.
Other than that... October is chugging along. Last weekend I traveled with 7 of my students to Myrtle Beach, SC for the NACA south conference. We had a great time but if some of you recall last year there was a prank done by my students involving a mask. This year, my students tried to one up last years group by purchasing plastic seagulls (seahawks if you will) and rigging them up in the closet where my banquet dress hung so as to tap into my fear of waterfowl. Lucky for me, they had to check out of the room before I was able to get to the closet and therefore, their prank turned into stuffing my purse with the plastic waterfowl. They did however act out the prank and video tape it which I'm sure will make it's way to my facebook page soon.
My true concern: the plastic fowl are missing. Therefore, I fear when they will resurface. I live in fear.
This weekend is my only uneventful one of the month, next weekend I will travel to see one of my wonderful pledge sisters, Kathleen, get married. Sarah and I are hosting friends tonight for "Fall fun". For me, this means pumpkin flavored things, soups in the crock pot, apple cider (the adult kind). For my roommate, this means bedazzling pumpkins. For those of you who don't know my roommate, she loves anything with glitter :) Exhibit A.
I hope everyone out there is well. I sadly know so many people going through some challenges right now I just want to send love to anyone who has something challenging them right now. As silly as it sounds, you can't appreciate the good without the bad. Just know whether it's me or someone else in your life remember there is always someone to lean on.
Lots of love from Stefanie Jo
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Things I Never Thought I'd Be...
Speechless? Somehow though, the idea of writing my maid of honor speech for Miss Kelly Ann Shanley is leaving me with nothing to say. Or maybe it's just the opposite there is so much to say and not enough time to say it. What do you say to your best friend, of 10 years, the sister you didn't have, on the happiest day of her life?
Well let's be honest, she doesn't care what I say. It's her wedding day, she just wants to make sure I do not expose her deepest, darkest, secrets. Well, maybe not those, just her terrible stories that I have to remind her of every once and a while just so she knows someone hasn't forgotten. But the truth is, on her wedding day I know the last thing on Kelly's mind is my speech.
My friends, on the other hand, are taking bets, counting down, and well... have been excited about this since we all started thinking about weddings. I've threatened Kelly with heinous things I can do during the speech for the past 10 years probably and the truth is, I've talked about them so much, it won't have the shock factor I'm looking for. I will figure it out. I always do. I had three speeches prepared when I graduated high school so you would think this would come more naturally.
In other wedding news... no, I'm not engaged, let's be real. The other news is that yesterday I sent Angela the first draft of our wedding song for the Best/Shanley wedding. To be fair, that involves rhyming so it's impressive that it's done. This weekend during the JMU tailgate, we will rehearse. Lasso that!
The past few weeks have been fun. I had some sweet visitors the past few weekends. My sisters came two weeks ago in search of the beloved Dawson. Luckily for Ashley Jones, we found him :)
So we had this little thing called a Fall Concert last week and let me tell you, it was awesome. I could not have been prouder of my group. If I could get my phone to send pictures to my email properly I would show you. So, check out my facebook for a video for "Dare You to Move" by Switchfoot.
We also celebrated the birthday of one of my favorite friends, Miss Katherine Ann Kolkemeier by enjoying a night at Wine and Design where you get to bring your own wine and they teach you to paint :)
In closing, I'm confused why friends value taking pictures of me sleeping so damn much. I mean really, am I that cute when I sleep, or is it that I can just fall asleep ANYWHERE?
Just let me live, please :)
Well let's be honest, she doesn't care what I say. It's her wedding day, she just wants to make sure I do not expose her deepest, darkest, secrets. Well, maybe not those, just her terrible stories that I have to remind her of every once and a while just so she knows someone hasn't forgotten. But the truth is, on her wedding day I know the last thing on Kelly's mind is my speech.
My friends, on the other hand, are taking bets, counting down, and well... have been excited about this since we all started thinking about weddings. I've threatened Kelly with heinous things I can do during the speech for the past 10 years probably and the truth is, I've talked about them so much, it won't have the shock factor I'm looking for. I will figure it out. I always do. I had three speeches prepared when I graduated high school so you would think this would come more naturally.
In other wedding news... no, I'm not engaged, let's be real. The other news is that yesterday I sent Angela the first draft of our wedding song for the Best/Shanley wedding. To be fair, that involves rhyming so it's impressive that it's done. This weekend during the JMU tailgate, we will rehearse. Lasso that!
The past few weeks have been fun. I had some sweet visitors the past few weekends. My sisters came two weeks ago in search of the beloved Dawson. Luckily for Ashley Jones, we found him :)
![]() |
and enjoyed a night out :) |
We also celebrated the birthday of one of my favorite friends, Miss Katherine Ann Kolkemeier by enjoying a night at Wine and Design where you get to bring your own wine and they teach you to paint :)
In closing, I'm confused why friends value taking pictures of me sleeping so damn much. I mean really, am I that cute when I sleep, or is it that I can just fall asleep ANYWHERE?
Just let me live, please :)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I'm THAT girl...
I think it is important to own your identity whether it's something your proud of or something unavoidable therefore I'd like to publicly share all some of these things with you:
I'm that girl...
-who checks the tag on the item of clothing for the price before trying it on
-who dances in public and doesn't care
-who shouts to their friend in the movie theater to tell them where we are seated
-who laughs and makes other cringe
-who eats the same thing for lunch for a week straight
-who tells all her friends about her newest crush
-who loves her job
-who would rather read a magazine than a book
-who writes a blog because she's a bad writer and hopes it will help her get better
-who checks twitter more than
-who listens to the same song over and over onces she decides she likes it (shout out to LK who HATED this as my roommate).
-who still asks her mom for advice
-who doesn't mind always being the bridesmaid
-who loves to be the center of attention but only when she's in control
-who loves to be in control
-who watches bad movies on tv just because they are on
-who still wishes it was socially acceptable to make song lyrics my away message to articulate how I feel
-who drinks white over red
-who refers to her sorority sisters still as her "big" "little" and "gbaby"
-who still loves being a sorority woman
-who is convinced the lasso is a great dance move
-who loves getting a card in the mail or a note on my desk more than anything on earth
-who plans for the worst but hopes for the best
-who wants to make others happy
-who loves a soft pretzel
-who can't spend less than $50 at Target
-who can't resist a cute sundress
-who matches her eye shadow to her outfit
-who makes jokes to make others feel better
-who teases people she likes
-who doesn't pay much attention to those she doesn't
-who thinks the glass is always half full
-who thinks people deserve a chance
-who gives her whole heart without thinking twice
-who can't do a push up
-who works out only so her pants fit
-who isn't embarrassed to share her weight or her pants size
-who makes corny jokes
-who is awkward around...everyone
-who orders what's on special
-who loves a good sandwich more than any other meal
-who makes her own spaghetti sauce
-who winks but it's not cute
-who wears heels to feel pretty
-who wears flats to feel comfortable
-who prefers a good meal with friends more than anything else
-who only camps for s'mores
-who roots for two teams that everyone else hates
-who wears teal every Tuesday
-who learns more from her students than she teaches them
-who cracks her neck in public
-who rewrites songs about her friends
-who blogs about who she really is, not about who she wants people to think she is.
That's all I have for now.
Peace and Blessings xoxo
I'm that girl...
-who checks the tag on the item of clothing for the price before trying it on
-who dances in public and doesn't care
-who shouts to their friend in the movie theater to tell them where we are seated
-who laughs and makes other cringe
-who eats the same thing for lunch for a week straight
-who tells all her friends about her newest crush
-who loves her job
-who would rather read a magazine than a book
-who writes a blog because she's a bad writer and hopes it will help her get better
-who checks twitter more than
-who listens to the same song over and over onces she decides she likes it (shout out to LK who HATED this as my roommate).
-who still asks her mom for advice
-who doesn't mind always being the bridesmaid
-who loves to be the center of attention but only when she's in control
-who loves to be in control
-who watches bad movies on tv just because they are on
-who still wishes it was socially acceptable to make song lyrics my away message to articulate how I feel
-who drinks white over red
-who refers to her sorority sisters still as her "big" "little" and "gbaby"
-who still loves being a sorority woman
-who is convinced the lasso is a great dance move
-who loves getting a card in the mail or a note on my desk more than anything on earth
-who plans for the worst but hopes for the best
-who wants to make others happy
-who loves a soft pretzel
-who can't spend less than $50 at Target
-who can't resist a cute sundress
-who matches her eye shadow to her outfit
-who makes jokes to make others feel better
-who teases people she likes
-who doesn't pay much attention to those she doesn't
-who thinks the glass is always half full
-who thinks people deserve a chance
-who gives her whole heart without thinking twice
-who can't do a push up
-who works out only so her pants fit
-who isn't embarrassed to share her weight or her pants size
-who makes corny jokes
-who is awkward around...everyone
-who orders what's on special
-who loves a good sandwich more than any other meal
-who makes her own spaghetti sauce
-who winks but it's not cute
-who wears heels to feel pretty
-who wears flats to feel comfortable
-who prefers a good meal with friends more than anything else
-who only camps for s'mores
-who roots for two teams that everyone else hates
-who wears teal every Tuesday
-who learns more from her students than she teaches them
-who cracks her neck in public
-who rewrites songs about her friends
-who blogs about who she really is, not about who she wants people to think she is.
That's all I have for now.
Peace and Blessings xoxo
Monday, September 12, 2011
Deep in my heart, I love my...
Well clearly for my sisters you know the rest of this line is "My ADPi's" and the truth is I do, among other things right now. This weekend was recruitment here at UNCW and my first time on the advisor side. Let me tell you, it almost gets crazier behind the curtain. Luckily, I have two amazing sisters who advise with me and kept me laughing all weekend. Even when it was 4 am and we were on a bench in the dark. Even when salt and vinegar chips were dinner. Even when the the conversations turned grouchy and or random. We laughed, and laughed and laughed. Today, when I saw those 32 new girls come in with their bids, one being a student of mine, with tears in their eyes. I knew it was worth it and man did I remember the day I got mine. Being in Alpha Delta Pi changed me life. My sisters have forever changed me and I continue to grow and learn from them every day. Now, it's not only my Epsilon Chi sisters, but my Eta Alpha sisters both alum and active members. So I must give a shout out to Whitney and Katherine, my two advisor sisters who put up with bell curves, 100%, skateboards, nike shorts, Chilies, MOH and tons more and kept me laughing through the late hours of the night. It's amazing to me that hearing the words from the preference ceremony brought me back to my time in Epilson Chi so quickly, perhaps not as quickly as the SHHHHHing before the the knock before a party, or the excitement of "SHE HAS TO BE MY DIAMOND", or the dance practice and awkward conversations but man oh man did I quickly remember what it was to be on the chapter side of recruitment. Overall it was a great weekend, and today, like most days, I was proud to be an ADPi.
Luckily... 6 of my dear Epsilon Chi sisters are coming this weekend and I can only imagine the stories, laughs and craziness that will come of it. Stories to come. I promise.
Like I said, deep in my heart I love my ADPi, among other things. Have I told you how much I love my ACErs, because man I do. They have each planned and implemented some amazing programs over the past month and I could not be prouder. On top of that, they have sold out their fall show, Anberlin and Switchfoot. Talk about an exciting start to the year. I am reminded every day that I am luckily to have found a job I love so much and to work with students who day after day make me proud.
And of course, deep in my heart I love, my family and friends. The past two months have seemed crazy. Through it all I have had the most amazing support network. Whether it's a dinner date to take a break from the craziness, and e-mail from my roommate to make me smile, a card in the mail from my mom or far away friend, or a weekend at home just when I needed it. I am lucky to have people around me who love me so much and continue to support me, whether I ask for it or not.
In other news... I got to be a part of something really awesome which was a student initiative to commemorate 911 check it out! (yes that is me in the red pants... hottie)
Other than that I'm just living the dream... hope you are doing the same :)
xoxo Stef
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Cher's not the only one who wants to turn back time...
Hello Friends,
First I must say happy first day of school to all my teacher friends. I can't believe it has been two years since I myself was taking classes, even longer since it was my first day of school K-12. I was in Virginia Beach this weekend and drove back to Wilmington this morning. As I drove back and noticed all of the kids waiting for the bus, or walking to school and listening to the morning radio stations I couldn't help but think back to my time in school.
Do you ever wish you could go back to a certain day in your life and live it over? I guess it's normal but I started thinking about what would be my days...
Here is what I came up with:
-First day of senior year
-Ring Dance
-Any day with my Dad
-First day of college
- 2008 CHI burning
- High School Graduation
-CWSCA elections 2003
-My bid day (January 2005)
-Workshop staff year 3
-Three 6 Mafia/Girl Talk Concert at JMU
-PCB spring break in Spinkers
-Job interview at UNCW
-Big/Little night spring 2006
-The first DGSC night
-21st birthday party at Theta Chi
I'm sure there are so many more days, but I figured those are the ones that jump out. Some of course because they are so fun, others because I'd love to pay more attention to certain details of the day. There are so many more days that are simple and fun and I can't identify with a particular event.
I know I'm getting deep on a Tuesday night. Perhaps this week is one of reflection, I think the entire nation will be reflecting on 9/11, and our lives this week. I'm sure everyone can remember where they were or what they were doing. "I can't believe it's been 10 years" I think is what everyone is saying, can you believe it? I have tried to avoid all the interviews and tv specials, mainly to avoid crying. It's unimaginable what happened that day, and how different our lives are since.
In other news, my newest obsession is the app Heytell. If you have an Iphone or Android phone you can download it for free. It is basically a walkie-talkie app that allows you to "hey tell" someone what's going on. It basically is a voice recorded text message. If you don't have it, download it and hey tell me, ASAP :)
I think that's all of my thoughts of the day...
Super fun weekend at home
First I must say happy first day of school to all my teacher friends. I can't believe it has been two years since I myself was taking classes, even longer since it was my first day of school K-12. I was in Virginia Beach this weekend and drove back to Wilmington this morning. As I drove back and noticed all of the kids waiting for the bus, or walking to school and listening to the morning radio stations I couldn't help but think back to my time in school.
Do you ever wish you could go back to a certain day in your life and live it over? I guess it's normal but I started thinking about what would be my days...
Here is what I came up with:
-First day of senior year
-Ring Dance
-Any day with my Dad
-First day of college
- 2008 CHI burning
- High School Graduation
-CWSCA elections 2003
-My bid day (January 2005)
-Workshop staff year 3
-Three 6 Mafia/Girl Talk Concert at JMU
-PCB spring break in Spinkers
-Job interview at UNCW
-Big/Little night spring 2006
-The first DGSC night
-21st birthday party at Theta Chi
I'm sure there are so many more days, but I figured those are the ones that jump out. Some of course because they are so fun, others because I'd love to pay more attention to certain details of the day. There are so many more days that are simple and fun and I can't identify with a particular event.
I know I'm getting deep on a Tuesday night. Perhaps this week is one of reflection, I think the entire nation will be reflecting on 9/11, and our lives this week. I'm sure everyone can remember where they were or what they were doing. "I can't believe it's been 10 years" I think is what everyone is saying, can you believe it? I have tried to avoid all the interviews and tv specials, mainly to avoid crying. It's unimaginable what happened that day, and how different our lives are since.
In other news, my newest obsession is the app Heytell. If you have an Iphone or Android phone you can download it for free. It is basically a walkie-talkie app that allows you to "hey tell" someone what's going on. It basically is a voice recorded text message. If you don't have it, download it and hey tell me, ASAP :)
I think that's all of my thoughts of the day...
Super fun weekend at home
Saturday, August 27, 2011
See ya Irene
Hello Friends,
Just an update, clearly, if I'm blogging I am in fact alive and ok. Irene knocked us around a bit last night but overall everything is ok. I'm currently without power at my apartment but luckily the beautiful Adrienne Strain has let me stay with her last night and bath/hang out today before work so all is ok. We had to reschedule our comedians for this weekend, Frangela, However, we will be showing free movies tonight to give the students, who were stuck in their halls all night and half of today something free and fun to do.
Overall, move-in and welcome have gone beautifully. I could not be prouder of my board this year who kicked off welcome with an outdoor showing of The Incredibles and followed it up with a concert featuring Sleeper Agent and fireworks. We will continue on tonight and throughout the week.
All of this craziness of course makes me excited to be in VB next week with my family and friends. It's hard to believe we're almost a month away from the Best wedding, which, means song and speech writing need to begin. Suggestions for Angela and I will be entertained, however, I can tell you, we only get better with time. :)
Today is one of my favorite people in the entire world's birthday, Mr. James Michael Vincent Oliverie aka Jimmy O. He is turning 25 today and is avoiding all hurricane craziness in his new home, St. Paul, MN. As many of you know Jimmy is one of my best friends from JMU and I have been lucky to have him in my life since my first week of graduate school where we became instant friends. I am sending him lots of love today. He is truly one of the kindest, funniest, smartest and greatest people I know. I am lucky to call him my best friend and know those of you who know him would have to agree :)
This week will be another crazy one. As many of you know I've started teaching a freshman seminar this semester in one of our learning communities here at UNCW. I had a great first day of a class and can tell my class is going to be awesome already. I am sure I'll have so many stories to share with you. I assigned my first homework assignment and half the class has already submitted it (it's due on Monday). I spent last night reading and leaving comments on these initial journals. My biggest observation is that I need to help these students find better restaurants. I ask each of them their favorite place to eat and things like Olive Garden and Ruby Tuesdays come up quite often. Luckily, Wilmington is filled with several amazing local chains that I am happy to introduce them to.
Ok! I think that is all for now. Stay safe 757 and the rest of the North East, I'm sorry I couldn't keep Irene away from you longer.
Stefanie Jo
Just an update, clearly, if I'm blogging I am in fact alive and ok. Irene knocked us around a bit last night but overall everything is ok. I'm currently without power at my apartment but luckily the beautiful Adrienne Strain has let me stay with her last night and bath/hang out today before work so all is ok. We had to reschedule our comedians for this weekend, Frangela, However, we will be showing free movies tonight to give the students, who were stuck in their halls all night and half of today something free and fun to do.
Overall, move-in and welcome have gone beautifully. I could not be prouder of my board this year who kicked off welcome with an outdoor showing of The Incredibles and followed it up with a concert featuring Sleeper Agent and fireworks. We will continue on tonight and throughout the week.
All of this craziness of course makes me excited to be in VB next week with my family and friends. It's hard to believe we're almost a month away from the Best wedding, which, means song and speech writing need to begin. Suggestions for Angela and I will be entertained, however, I can tell you, we only get better with time. :)
Today is one of my favorite people in the entire world's birthday, Mr. James Michael Vincent Oliverie aka Jimmy O. He is turning 25 today and is avoiding all hurricane craziness in his new home, St. Paul, MN. As many of you know Jimmy is one of my best friends from JMU and I have been lucky to have him in my life since my first week of graduate school where we became instant friends. I am sending him lots of love today. He is truly one of the kindest, funniest, smartest and greatest people I know. I am lucky to call him my best friend and know those of you who know him would have to agree :)
This week will be another crazy one. As many of you know I've started teaching a freshman seminar this semester in one of our learning communities here at UNCW. I had a great first day of a class and can tell my class is going to be awesome already. I am sure I'll have so many stories to share with you. I assigned my first homework assignment and half the class has already submitted it (it's due on Monday). I spent last night reading and leaving comments on these initial journals. My biggest observation is that I need to help these students find better restaurants. I ask each of them their favorite place to eat and things like Olive Garden and Ruby Tuesdays come up quite often. Luckily, Wilmington is filled with several amazing local chains that I am happy to introduce them to.
Ok! I think that is all for now. Stay safe 757 and the rest of the North East, I'm sorry I couldn't keep Irene away from you longer.
Stefanie Jo
Friday, August 19, 2011
Sassy Second Year
Hello friends...
Back to blogging after a summer off! It's been a busy past couple of months filled with visitors, moving, bridal showers, bachelorette parties, work turn over and much more!
I was going to take a picture in my bathing suit on the hood but Sarah was sick and couldn't take the picture ;)
Tomorrow is freshman move in, where did a year go? It seems like just yesterday that I was gearing up for my first move in day smiling with my fellow first years KTK and AStrain. Now we are beginning what we are lovingly calling our "sassy second year"
Move-in day is an awesome tradition at UNCW. This year there are over 1800 volunteers for 2000 freshman. Everyone comes together to make for an amazing day and experience for the first year. While I am not excited about my 5am alarm I am always reminded of what an awesome job I have when I get to help proud parents check-in their nervous but won't admit it first year students. I of course also enjoy watching the girls who have over packed, the too cool guys, the over anxious parents, the soon-to-be long distance couples that can't stop holding hands and of course the super goober, over achieving freshman like Lauren Kennedy will tell you I was. :)
I am excited for a second year full of new friends, a great ACE executive board, getting to teach a UNI class, present at a professional conference, and overall learn from the mistakes and victories of my first year and make an amazing second year :)
Hope life is treating all of you fine blog readers well :)
Love Always,
Stefanie Jo
Back to blogging after a summer off! It's been a busy past couple of months filled with visitors, moving, bridal showers, bachelorette parties, work turn over and much more!
LK, Klake and I at a Bachelor Charity Auction |
my favorite LU turned Wilmington friend |
Happy 4th of July! |
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At the Yeatman wedding |
Bachelorette party for my BEST friend :) It has been quite the eventful summer, it is no wonder it has flown by! The most exciting news of the week is of course, my new car :) |
I was going to take a picture in my bathing suit on the hood but Sarah was sick and couldn't take the picture ;)
Tomorrow is freshman move in, where did a year go? It seems like just yesterday that I was gearing up for my first move in day smiling with my fellow first years KTK and AStrain. Now we are beginning what we are lovingly calling our "sassy second year"
Move-in day is an awesome tradition at UNCW. This year there are over 1800 volunteers for 2000 freshman. Everyone comes together to make for an amazing day and experience for the first year. While I am not excited about my 5am alarm I am always reminded of what an awesome job I have when I get to help proud parents check-in their nervous but won't admit it first year students. I of course also enjoy watching the girls who have over packed, the too cool guys, the over anxious parents, the soon-to-be long distance couples that can't stop holding hands and of course the super goober, over achieving freshman like Lauren Kennedy will tell you I was. :)
I am excited for a second year full of new friends, a great ACE executive board, getting to teach a UNI class, present at a professional conference, and overall learn from the mistakes and victories of my first year and make an amazing second year :)
Hope life is treating all of you fine blog readers well :)
Love Always,
Stefanie Jo
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Remember the time I shot a gun and went to sorority convention in the same week?
Hello Friends!
Yes it's true...this Yankee shot a gun yesterday. It was Ladies Night at Shooters Choice here in Wilmington, NC and so I went with two of my girliest friends to participate:
I must say, if you've never done is VERY exhilarating. I like to think I did pretty well for my first time :)
Yes, and in the same week that I shot a gun, I also am headed to Phoenix, AZ for Alpha Delta Pi Convention....good stories to come I'm sure!
Yes it's true...this Yankee shot a gun yesterday. It was Ladies Night at Shooters Choice here in Wilmington, NC and so I went with two of my girliest friends to participate:
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In case you're worried...we survived, thought I'd start at the end... |
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First you take a class to learn about the different parts of guns, who know a magazine wasn't just something you read at the beach? |
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You have to have your ears and eyes protected, sexy :) |
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Nothing goes with a 22 like a Kate Spade or Coach purse |
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clearly, we were proud :) |
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Sarah hit a lot on the bullseye, I'm skeptical she may be practicing at home |
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That's right baby... Stefanie Jo Mancuso... NYPD watch out |
I must say, if you've never done is VERY exhilarating. I like to think I did pretty well for my first time :)
Yes, and in the same week that I shot a gun, I also am headed to Phoenix, AZ for Alpha Delta Pi Convention....good stories to come I'm sure!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Good morning and happy Monday!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day! On a day that is often not the easiest for me I spent it with some of my favorite people doing some of my favorite things: enjoying a breakfast out, a day at the beach and making dinner and chatting with friends.
I must say, Fathers Day does for me what it probably does for many of you, causes me to reflect on what an amazing father I have. While many will meet JoJo and question how I became as obnoxious, loud and I like to think entertaining, I can assure you she will point to the man above. While that is not the only thing I got from him, I think it's probably what is most easily identifiable to those who knew him and know me. Strangely, many of my closest friends at this point in my life did not know him, I appreciate their willingness to let me share stories about to this day one of my favorite people.
The thing many may know about my dad, he had a passion for many things: family, kids, the Dallas Cowboys, the NY Yankees, cheese doodles, Disney World, movies (specifically ones that taught a lesson...and Titanic lol), The Sopranos and... Bruce Springsteen. It was most appropriate that this weekend Clarence Clemons of Bruce's E Street Band passed away which of course meant Bruce Springsteen music, EVERYWHERE. So, in case I wouldn't already be thinking of Big Pete, I was reminded constantly. Bruce music makes me smile though, and laugh thinking of the many car trips where his music was blaring and while driving, dad was also playing the air drums, guitar, sax or all three. As JoJo said yesterday, I'm sure Big Pete was racing to the pearly gates to meet him, probably singing "Born to Run". Poor Clarence.
The interesting lesson I am learning right now professionally is the transience of the field I have entered. It seems like every day I'm getting another e-mailing indicating a staff member is leaving the University to pursue a position somewhere else. While I am sad to see these people leave, one is particularly hard, Miss Jenn Smist. Jenn was the head of the search committee that hired me but has become one of my closest friends here in Wilmington. While I am incredibly happy for her to go on to pursue a position at the University of Illinois (yes it's cold there, I get it, she's from Boston, she'll be fine!) I am sad to see someone who has been a loyal friend and a great professional role model for me leave Wilmington.
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Big Pete and I at High School Graduation :) |
I must say, Fathers Day does for me what it probably does for many of you, causes me to reflect on what an amazing father I have. While many will meet JoJo and question how I became as obnoxious, loud and I like to think entertaining, I can assure you she will point to the man above. While that is not the only thing I got from him, I think it's probably what is most easily identifiable to those who knew him and know me. Strangely, many of my closest friends at this point in my life did not know him, I appreciate their willingness to let me share stories about to this day one of my favorite people.
The thing many may know about my dad, he had a passion for many things: family, kids, the Dallas Cowboys, the NY Yankees, cheese doodles, Disney World, movies (specifically ones that taught a lesson...and Titanic lol), The Sopranos and... Bruce Springsteen. It was most appropriate that this weekend Clarence Clemons of Bruce's E Street Band passed away which of course meant Bruce Springsteen music, EVERYWHERE. So, in case I wouldn't already be thinking of Big Pete, I was reminded constantly. Bruce music makes me smile though, and laugh thinking of the many car trips where his music was blaring and while driving, dad was also playing the air drums, guitar, sax or all three. As JoJo said yesterday, I'm sure Big Pete was racing to the pearly gates to meet him, probably singing "Born to Run". Poor Clarence.
The interesting lesson I am learning right now professionally is the transience of the field I have entered. It seems like every day I'm getting another e-mailing indicating a staff member is leaving the University to pursue a position somewhere else. While I am sad to see these people leave, one is particularly hard, Miss Jenn Smist. Jenn was the head of the search committee that hired me but has become one of my closest friends here in Wilmington. While I am incredibly happy for her to go on to pursue a position at the University of Illinois (yes it's cold there, I get it, she's from Boston, she'll be fine!) I am sad to see someone who has been a loyal friend and a great professional role model for me leave Wilmington.
I think that's all for today :)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
I promise...
To be a WAY better blogger. I can't believe it has been over a month since I last blogged. While I could make a 100 excuses as to what I've been up to the fact is... I think I just kept putting it off because there was so much to catch up on. With it being the summer there just is NO excuse not to blog. I will PROMISE to do a better job from now on. I do have to celebrate a year of having the blog and while I do not use it in all the best ways and don't ALWAYS blog I will say I'm impressed it is still around and people read it. It's amazing to me it's been a year since I've moved to Wilmington and started my job. I don't let a day go by that I take for granted what a great place I've found to live and work. :)
What have I been doing in the last month you ask, well here are some highlights:
Two weddings: the first Alex & Caitlin Waldie
Then last week Caitlin & Chris Yeatman, I'm always a classy addition to a bridal party
Especially when I stand on chairs to lead choreographed dances:
Graduated some of my favorite people from UNCW :)
Went parasailing with Katie K
Introduced BG to the VB lifestyle and the family memorial day weekend
Went to see NKOTBSB with some of my FAVORITE people...the concert was Larger than Life if you get me:
So yeah, I guess I've been a little busy the past month or so... lots of fun stuff but it's making the summer fly by. We are halfway through June. Geez! I still have a lot to look forward to like ADPi convention in Phoenix, AZ next week, an awesome 4th of July weekend with my handsome boyfriend, moving in with the wonderful Sarah Clark and ending July celebrating the BEST bachelorette I know, have you met her?
I often get teased about the amount of time I spend in bridal parties and at weddings but the truth is it has almost become a hobby. I spend free time reading blogs about weddings and being a bridesmaid. I love to plan and organize to getting things together for the future Mrs. Best is fun. I have been lucky to have been asked to be a bridesmaid by people who I really love and would do anything for. Each time it's a new adventure to experience with the bride, another opportunity to share someone's big day with them...and let's be real, I look good in a dress and am a GREAT dancer ;)
You be the judge:
You have to experience the dancing to truly judge that :)
That's all for now :) I'm back!
What have I been doing in the last month you ask, well here are some highlights:
Two weddings: the first Alex & Caitlin Waldie
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the 5 best friends anyone has ever had |
Then last week Caitlin & Chris Yeatman, I'm always a classy addition to a bridal party
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a famous cute fam pose :) |
Especially when I stand on chairs to lead choreographed dances:
Graduated some of my favorite people from UNCW :)
Went parasailing with Katie K
Introduced BG to the VB lifestyle and the family memorial day weekend
Went to see NKOTBSB with some of my FAVORITE people...the concert was Larger than Life if you get me:
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The lassos came out, clearly. |
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Have to give Aunt Roe a shout out for still being the coolest godmother and going to BSB concerts with me 10 years later :) |
I often get teased about the amount of time I spend in bridal parties and at weddings but the truth is it has almost become a hobby. I spend free time reading blogs about weddings and being a bridesmaid. I love to plan and organize to getting things together for the future Mrs. Best is fun. I have been lucky to have been asked to be a bridesmaid by people who I really love and would do anything for. Each time it's a new adventure to experience with the bride, another opportunity to share someone's big day with them...and let's be real, I look good in a dress and am a GREAT dancer ;)
You be the judge:
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My big, Ashley Theado Raska, July 2009 |
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My gbaby, Caitlin Revene Yeatman, June 2011 |
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My little, Ashley Carawan Carlton, June 2010 |
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My cousin's wife Jackie Miano Murino May 2008 |
You have to experience the dancing to truly judge that :)
That's all for now :) I'm back!
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