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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Remember the time I shot a gun and went to sorority convention in the same week?

Hello Friends!

Yes it's true...this Yankee shot a gun yesterday. It was Ladies Night at Shooters Choice here in Wilmington, NC and so I went with two of my girliest friends to participate:

In case you're worried...we survived, thought I'd start at the end...

First you take a class to learn about the different parts of guns, who know a magazine wasn't just something you read at the beach?

You have to have your ears and eyes protected, sexy :)

Nothing goes with a 22 like a Kate Spade or Coach purse

clearly, we were proud :)

Sarah hit a lot on the bullseye, I'm skeptical she may be practicing at home

That's right baby... Stefanie Jo Mancuso... NYPD watch out

I must say, if you've never done is VERY exhilarating.  I like to think I did pretty well for my first time :)

Yes, and in the same week that I shot a gun, I also am headed to Phoenix, AZ for Alpha Delta Pi Convention....good stories to come I'm sure!


Monday, June 20, 2011

Good morning and happy Monday!

Big Pete and I at High School Graduation :)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day! On a day that is often not the easiest for me I spent it with some of my favorite people doing some of my favorite things: enjoying a breakfast out, a day at the beach and making dinner and chatting with friends.

I must say, Fathers Day does for me what it probably does for many of you, causes me to reflect on what an amazing father I have. While many will meet JoJo and question how I became as obnoxious, loud and I like to think entertaining, I can assure you she will point to the man above. While that is not the only thing I got from him, I think it's probably what is most easily identifiable to those who knew him and know me. Strangely, many of my closest friends at this point in my life did not know him, I appreciate their willingness to let me share stories about to this day one of my favorite people. 

The thing many may know about my dad, he had a passion for many things: family, kids, the Dallas Cowboys, the NY Yankees, cheese doodles, Disney World, movies (specifically ones that taught a lesson...and Titanic lol), The Sopranos and... Bruce Springsteen. It was most appropriate that this weekend Clarence Clemons of Bruce's E Street Band passed away which of course meant Bruce Springsteen music, EVERYWHERE. So, in case I wouldn't already be thinking of Big Pete, I was reminded constantly. Bruce music makes me smile though, and laugh thinking of the many car trips where his music was blaring and while driving, dad was also playing the air drums, guitar, sax or all three. As JoJo said yesterday, I'm sure Big Pete was racing to the pearly gates to meet him, probably singing "Born to Run". Poor Clarence. 

The interesting lesson I am learning right now professionally is the transience of the field I have entered. It seems like every day I'm getting another e-mailing indicating a staff member is leaving the University to pursue a position somewhere else. While I am sad to see these people leave, one is particularly hard, Miss Jenn Smist. Jenn was the head of the search committee that hired me but has become one of my closest friends here in Wilmington. While I am incredibly happy for her to go on to pursue a position at the University of Illinois (yes it's cold there, I get it, she's from Boston, she'll be fine!) I am sad to see someone who has been a loyal friend and a great professional role model for me leave Wilmington. 

I think that's all for today :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I promise...

To be a WAY better blogger. I can't believe it has been over a month since I last blogged. While I could make a 100 excuses as to what I've been up to the fact is... I think I just kept putting it off because there was so much to catch up on. With it being the summer there just is NO excuse not to blog. I will PROMISE to do a better job from now on. I do have to celebrate a year of having the blog and while I do not use it in all the best ways and don't ALWAYS blog I will say I'm impressed it is still around and people read it. It's amazing to me it's been a year since I've moved to Wilmington and started my job. I don't let a day go by that I take for granted what a great place I've found to live and work. :)

What have I been doing in the last month you ask, well here are some highlights:

Two weddings: the first Alex & Caitlin Waldie

the 5 best friends anyone has ever had

Then last week Caitlin & Chris Yeatman, I'm always a classy addition to a bridal party
a famous cute fam pose :)

Especially when I stand on chairs to lead choreographed dances:

Graduated some of my favorite people from UNCW :)

Went parasailing with Katie K

Introduced BG to the VB lifestyle and the family memorial day weekend

Went to see NKOTBSB with some of my FAVORITE people...the concert was Larger than Life if you get me:

The lassos came out, clearly.

Have to give Aunt Roe a shout out for still being the coolest godmother and going to BSB concerts with me 10 years later :)
So yeah, I guess I've been a little busy the past month or so... lots of fun stuff but it's making the summer fly by. We are halfway through June. Geez! I still have a lot to look forward to like ADPi convention in Phoenix, AZ next week, an awesome 4th of July weekend with my handsome boyfriend, moving in with the wonderful Sarah Clark and ending July celebrating the BEST bachelorette I know, have you met her?

I often get teased about the amount of time I spend in bridal parties and at weddings but the truth is it has almost become a hobby. I spend free time reading blogs about weddings and being a bridesmaid. I love to plan and organize to getting things together for the future Mrs. Best is fun. I have been lucky to have been asked to be a bridesmaid by people who I really love and would do anything for. Each time it's a new adventure to experience with the bride, another opportunity to share someone's big day with them...and let's be real, I look good in a dress and am a GREAT dancer ;)

You be the judge:
My big, Ashley Theado Raska, July 2009

My gbaby, Caitlin Revene Yeatman, June 2011

My little, Ashley Carawan Carlton,  June 2010

My cousin's wife Jackie Miano Murino May 2008

 You have to experience the dancing to truly judge that :)

That's all for now :) I'm back!