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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Leo will always be Jack Dawson to me...

Good Morning!

Can I start by saying, where has July gone? It seems I was just writing about the 4th and now we are approaching the last week of the month. For those of you in Student Affairs, you know what this means: the end of our summer. While this may seem sad to many of you who will continue your summers through labor day, remember that ours does begin early May. I could not be more excited about the opening of school, this may be the only year I feel this excited about it. However, I will not really feel as though I've started my job until I've done it through the hustle and bustle of the school year, especially August. 

This week has been a good one so far, lots of spending time with friends which has been great. I have been so lucky to meet some great people down here and I enjoy spending time with them when I can. Monday and Tuesday were spent with Jen, Sarah and Katie. We enjoyed the Bachellorette at Sarah's beautiful new apartment (literally, beautiful). I really am not ok with Frank and continue to love Chris L more and more every day. I think Frank's issues are the most real the show is so, perhaps it is best that the fantasy world has a taste of reality.  Tuesday night we saw Inception.

Yes, it is a great movie. I minimally interacted with the film (this is a big deal, as many of you who have seen films with me before know) mainly because I had to focus so much during the movie to understand. However, there is a scene with Leonardo DiCaprio and his wife in the movie where she says "don't let go" and it took EVERYTHING in me not to yell "NEVER LET GO JACK". I resisted as Jen and Sarah are new to seeing films with me and did not want them to feel mortified. Overall, a great movie and I wish Bill Hall could see it and explain it to me more (shout out to my Dukes who know and love Bill Hall). 

In other news, I am in the market for a new couch...after much drama with JCPenny, JoJo and I are giving back the original couch and instead getting one more to my liking, without the drama. :) So Wilmington folks, got any furniture store suggestions-hit me with them :) 

A Joann and Pat update. They are still rockin' :) I went over last week to help Joann with some e-mail issues. They are always good for a laugh and a life talk. Hopefully we can break bread together soon! 

I believe that is all for now!

Shout outs: 
Happy birthday to Keith Taylor today :)
LK is a little over a week shy of being on the east coast! 
Good luck to Miss Lori Corley as she begins her journey as an ADPi leadership consultant <>
Special thanks to Adrienne for a great couch talk last night, a great friend already!
Congrats to my fellow CSPA friend Mike for getting a sweet job last week! :) 

A parting Pearl Jam song lyric I just received from a friend to leave you with:

"I know I was born and I know that I will die
The in between is mine.." (I Am Mine, Pearl Jam)

Have a great day,
Stefanie Jo

1 comment:

Jen said...

I wish I was in that movie with you. I would've busted out a Titanic line with you. Much love and miss you lots.
