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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hello, my name is Stefanie and I have an addiction

To Friday Night Lights and Pinterest.

Let me just say, I had been told SEVERAL times to try Friday Night Lights but it wasn't until last week when I had some time on my hands (maybe too much time) that the obsession began. I may have watched over half the first season in one day/night. It is just SO good. I think my students are concerned with my love but I'm telling you, it's awesome.


The show has a little of everything. Drama, sports, humor. It's just...addicting. I did not finish season one this week but I assure you, I will. There are five seasons and luckily Sarah owns all five so I can just power through, though I fear what it will be like when I watch that final episode.

My favorite character is of course Matt Saracen :)

So yes, I am addicted. I will start using Coach's sayings in ACE meetings and adapt them as my own. My current favorite is: "There are two ways to do something my way and the wrong way". We will see how that works. :)

My other addiction: pinterest. Basically it just allows me to find recipes I want to make, outfits I want to wear and other things I love plus I get to see what my friends find. It's awesome and addicting.

Anyway, I know this will blow people's minds but I have a wedding this weekend. My dear pledge sister Kathleen gets married on Saturday so I am going to see my boo LK and we'll be living the dream with many of our other favorite people. I will be spending extra love time with LK since she is moving to LOUISIANA next month to start her new job at McNeese State. I am of course so excited for her but man that will be far!

I have to thank Miss. Jennifer Stollery for a card that made my day today. Between her and Kelly Ann Shanley they have brightened my week with love notes and I appreciate it.

In closing... I would like to share that I will be dressed as Dorothy tomorrow for my second year as the leading lady in the Campus Activities Goulish Gala competition. If you do recall I was Snow White last year.

This costume will be less homemade. :) I promise.

Peace and Blessings xoxo

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